Virtual Reality for Accelerated Career Entry for Young Job Seekers

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About The

Enhancing Youth Employment with Virtual Reality Interviews

The VR-ACE project seeks to address the issues young people face in entering the labour market, particularly their lack of success in interviews.

It will develop educational tools in the form of a digital handbook and Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios to strengthen young job seekers’ skills in applying for jobs and succeeding in interviews and improve their transversal skills, thus increasing their chances of employment.

Virtual Reality Interview


The main objectives of the VR-ACE project are:

To support young jobseekers in their pursuit of gainful employment. We aim to provide them with the necessary guidance, training, and resources to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to secure a suitable job opportunity.

To equip young jobseekers with the tools and resources they need to present themselves effectively during job interviews, and stand out from the crowd.

To provide young jobseekers with the opportunity to gain transversal skills that are highly valued by employers and essential for success in the workplace. The European Union's (EU) European Skills Agenda identifies key competences that are necessary for success in the labour market, one of which is communication. Effective communication skills are essential for jobseekers to effectively demonstrate their professional capabilities and secure their desired employment.

To reduce youth unemployment, a priority that has been at the core of EU policies for many years, especially after Covid 19, which has caused the unemployment rate to a rise among young people, erasing achievements made pre-pandemic.

This will be in support of some of the EU's existing policies to address this issue, such as the European Youth Guarantee scheme, or the EU Youth Employment Initiative, aimed at supporting young people accessing job opportunities.

To foster the development of youth educators' capacity to effectively support young people in preparing for the job market

Direct Target Groups

Young Job Seekers

They will be the primary beneficiaries of the training methodology and the VR scenarios. The aim of these scenarios is to help enhance their communication skills and boost their chances of success in job interviews

Youth Trainers / Educators

They will be the beneficiaries of the guide for youth's educators, which will be developed to provide them with the necessary competences to support and prepare young people to overcome the challenges faced in their effort to succeed in job interviews.

Indirect Target Groups

Youth Organisations


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